Review: I Was Horny When I Dressed My Friend’s Sister in a Costume

Product: I Was Horny When I Dressed My Friend’s Sister in a Costume (友達の妹に着ぐるみ着せたら発情した!?)
Ikebukuro Toys
Measurements: length – 14cm, weight – 360g
Retailers: otonaJP* / Kanojo Toys*

– This product was provided by otonaJP for masturbation review purposes
– Retailers marked with * are affiliate links

Hey, is it weird to be all nostalgic for an onahole that only just came out a few weeks ago? I mean, probably yeah, considering that’s like fondly thinking back to some random point you masturbated years ago instead of the time you masturbated just twenty minutes ago – but still!

Everything about Ikebukuro Toys’ I Was Horny When I Dressed My Friend’s Sister in a Costume feels like something that could have launched back in 2012 and nobody would ever suspect foul play regarding wasted time travel.

There’s something about the box art and especially the name, holy shit. Fantastic. They’ve got real potential for a series here.

Maybe we could get the likes of:

I Was Horny When I Splashed My Friend’s Sister with a Bucket of Water
– I Was Horny When I Ate A Big Bowl of Spaghetti and Later Thought About My Friend’s Sister in a Sexual Manner
– I Was Horny When I Told My Friend’s Sister About How I Was Horny That Time I Dressed Her in a Costume

Anyway I’m not even sure if that name is entirely accurate, but this is a case where each import retailer has given it a completely different product listing. Pretty sure I Was Horny When I Dressed My Friend’s Sister in a Costume is close enough.

I’ll just shorten it to I Was Horny for the duration of the review, because seeing the full Bible-length thing over and over is the least horny thing imaginable.

– Unboxing / Presentation – 

Firstly, top marks for the box art. A plump, sweaty girl wearing a depressed looking onesie is definitely unique. There’s already a deep connection with the invisible protagonist’s claim of being horny. Visual novel of the year 10/10.

As for the onahole, weeeeell…

… It sorta looks like a bit shit. The bottom’s weirdly melted, as if someone tried to use this to grab Pop-Tarts fresh out of the toaster only to realise they’re actually experiencing a stroke. Also the entry is roughly cut in a very ‘this doesn’t look like a $25 product’ kind of way. Though at least it comes across as a bit ambiguous, so there’s something!

Thankfully this is where my personal fart noises end for I Was Horny, because it’s all up into erection town from here.

The material itself? Excellent. Zero smell to it right out of the box, and has some nice grip to its silky texture. There’s also a lot of padding to both ends, super chunky stuff.

The onahole also has an hourglass style to it (which mostly comes into play with a dick or three actually inside), however it has the added benefit of letting you hold onto it like a fine glass of chardonnay at the local library. Your hand tentacles tend to flop around it nicely – great for extended comfy sessions.

– Feeling –

National alert: SMEAR SOME LUBE AROUND THE ENTRANCE. That opening is small as fuck and it’s drilled into the hardest, thickest part of the onahole. The first time I simply dribbled lube inside and tried to force my way in, but that’s a guaranteed dick flattening at any time of the day.

Other than that, getting inside I Was Horny is a breeze. You’ll likely find yourself zooming right towards the back end without even trying, as there’s a weird empty void at first. Give it a few strokes however and you’ll find that mid-section closing the fuck down on your shaft, gripping and twisting in as your head gets firmly massaged by an assault of huge jagged bumps.

It’s really not trying to do a whole lot, but the internal design tends to focus everything on stimulating your glans after the halfway point. Having the very end wall aggressively textured is kinda unusual, so I’m faaaairly sure Ikebukuro Toys want you to push into it as hard as possible. This ends up stretching the nubs and making them shift over your head for some surprisingly full-on feedback.

I find that slow, short motions work best, followed by pulling back out towards the entrance before quickly smashing back in. This is a really, reeeeaally nice onahole to edge with and I’ve built up some insanely satisfying orgasms.

But yeah, going as fast as possible non-stop doesn’t suit this design. It’ll either result in your cock quickly waving a white flag made of cum or just straight up repetitive discomfort.

Get yourself into a fancy rhythm and this thing’s like arse-clenching levels of pleasure all over your head.

– Cleaning –

Unlike being horny, I Was Horny is easy enough to keep under control. Despite the twisted tunnel walls it’s quite simple to flush everything out. You can even turn this one inside-out without too much trouble. The material dries off quick, and so far I’ve had no issues with durability.

I’ve bulged out the back wall a lot with no signs of it wearing down yet. That said, your mileage/masturbation may vary as always depending on how big your dick is. I could easily see someone more endowed punching right through after a while, extending further towards the vast reaches of outer space.

Bit like a reverse version of that move Sephiroth did where he destroys the entire universe. Except it’s self-damage for $25.

– Summary –

I was horny when I put my penis into I Was Horny When I Dressed My Friend’s Sister in a Costume – the end. Really, this onahole was a very pleasant surprise! It looks a bit crap, but the tunnel delivers a steady barrage of stimulation catching every possible pleasure point of your glans. It’s a simple design that feels great, especially for longer wank sessions.

Also you can hold it in a fancy way that’ll impress everybody in town before you’re taken down to the police station.

I Was Horny When I Dressed My Friend’s Sister in a Costume

+ What a name
+ Fantastic stimulation across your head
+ Easy to clean and grip onto

– Visually the onahole probably… could have been… a lot better
– Tunnel is on the shorter side
– Entry is brutal without plenty of lube to guide you in

Hey, thanks for reading! Feel free to follow me on Twitter for more onahole stuff. Or if you’re feeling extra generous, please consider donating to my PayPal. I’d greatly appreciate it. Your support keeps my penis alive (inside new and interesting onaholes!)

This review product was provided by otonaJP. Thanks again!

3 thoughts on “Review: I Was Horny When I Dressed My Friend’s Sister in a Costume”

  1. O-oh. WordPress absolutely insists on using the photo of my cock for the ‘The Smell of the Sweaty Uniform Athletic Club Girl’ review in the related section above. I put ’em behind spoilers for a reason, but can’t figure out why it keeps defaulting to that image of all things. Sorry!

    Update: ok nevermind I think I fixed it :’)

  2. Oof that backside looks rough. I had a similair thing with an onahole once and after a few weeks of use I could see tears forming. After a month or 2 it popped right off mid-wank. The resulting laughter killed the boner pretty fast.

    Also, I don’t know if you remember me linking you the tornado onahole, I have had that thing in use for a couple of months now and I can say that that thing is amazing but has a learning curve for it. If you wish I can write a short review for it for you to post here. Although I won’t be taking dickpics.


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