Product: R-19
Manufacturer: XTC Japan
Measurements: length – 19cm, weight – 430g
Retailers: MotsuToys* (EU) /* (US)
– This product was provided by MotsuToys and for masturbation review purposes
– Retailers marked with * are affiliate links
This year, the Australian government is proud to announce the introduction of an even higher age rating to deal with all those pesky anime video games.
For over a decade now the previous limit of R 18+ has proven to be too little, so from this point on all anime games will automatically be given the new R-19 rating.
As an added requirement, each disgusting piece of filth ANIME game will include an onahole which will be surgically attached to the crotch of every consumer. Physically or digitally, the end result will be just as unpleasant.
Should any suspicious motion be detected while the individual is in the mere vicinity of an *ANIME* game – ‘suspicious’ being that of any movement whatsoever such as an active heartbeat – the similarly titled R-19 onahole will automatically secrete lubricant consisting of boiling hot meat pie mince. From here, the process or booting said consumer into the sun shall begin.
Thank you, and please remember to invest your life savings in pokies at your local RSL while you bet on which horse has the biggest penis at the race track.
“Yeah nah cunt, these look about the same”
Sorry, that opening came to me in one of those moments where you’re nodding off but you suddenly get jolted awake because your brain thinks you’ve just slipped off a cliff while laying in bed. I was like fuck, gravity, and barely wrote down enough of anything on my phone. In retrospect, perhaps words should not have been remembered at all.
“What if R19 was like R18 lol hahaauuug-ooH GOD I’M FALLING”.
Anyway this is the R-19 from XTC Japan. It’s a surprisingly simple release which directly lifts its inspiration from an existing product with zero shame. That’s the spirit lads.
See, this is basically just the R-20 that Toy’s Heart launched way back in 2014. Same ultra simple design, same size, same shaft going into it – majestic. Though to be fair I’m pretty sure Toy’s Heart discontinued their original R-20 a few years ago, so maybe there was some sort of secret demand for a cloned revival?
I reviewed the R-20 (during that era where Barney Rubble had a side hustle of hollowing out rocks) and apparently thought it was sort of okay maybe. So how’s this one go with its innovative smaller number? How many times can I type R-20 in a review about R-19 to confuse everyone involved?
You’ll never guess!
– Unboxing / Presentation –
Yep, pretty simple stuff. The onahole, its box and a very long, slightly impractical ice cube tray that’ll shatter after the first freeze.
No lube here, but that’s pretty typical of XTC’s budget products. Or well, any of their products really.
Love a good out of focus shot.
Just like its semi-related sibling, the R-19 is super soft and FLOPPY by design. Merely swinging this onahole around like a helicopter made of ham is almost as fun as actually using it as intended. A pure jumble-fuck of wobbling audible bliss.
But yeah, XTC’s material is excellent quality as usual, allowing a solid grip with no mystery smells.
– Feeling –
There’s uh… hmmm.
Alright, so when you initially get inside here you’re met with some surprisingly aggressive suction. It kinda just happens before any sort of reaction can be processed. Imagine you’ve just stepped foot inside a nursing home and you’re fuckin’ JRPG’d into a gang of grandmas all going in to pinch your cheeks.
Now look, wait. DON’T imagine that, and instead think of an onahole tunnel instantly trying to tug the tip of your cock with an impossible grip. R-19 urges you to push in as far as possible within mere seconds, and that’s kinda nice.
No taking it slow and steady here – just balls deep ASAP. Put both of your testicles inside the tunnel, who cares. Keep going. Insert more body parts. Merge with it.
Unfortunately that’s about where the excitement ends for me. Personally, the R-19 is just way too soft to the point where it feels like there’s no stimulation whatsoever. The tunnel is certainly lined with a variety of nubs and ribbing effects, but in motion it’s about on par with penetrating a big bowl of jelly to upset and potentially ruin some kind of jelly lovers convention.
I can’t exactly fault the onahole though. R-19 (again, just like the R-20 it’s based on) is meant to be like this. Just a super mushy, easy-going time with that brief introductory thrill of pulling your pants down while opening the emergency exit on a plane mid-flight.
Man, I absolutely adore the chibi art of R-19’s character though. Pure balloon-head-arse goblin energy.
The tunnel itself is also a tad longer than most onaholes in this budget price range which is nice, with roughly 6 inches to play with before stretching. I assume it’s for structural purposes or something (LOAD-BEARING WALL, haha funny cum), but that end zone has a pretty massive amount of padding.
… So much that it can kinda throw the entire onahole off balance mid-wank and makes the whole thing wobble around like crazy. It gets LOUD and sloppy after a while, which might work for you or wake up everyone in your apartment complex.
Which might also work for you.
I will say though, cumming into this while smashed right up against the end feels GREAT. The tunnel pinches towards the tip and really just locks you in there.
Normally it’d be a bit uncomfortable, but R-19’s super soft material works wonders. You can feel it pulse and bulge out, which is a primal thrill I’m not sure how to fully explain in ye olde keyboard-smashing text.
– Cleaning –
Not sure if it gets easier than this one really. Not until we get self-cleaning onaholes that’ll likely launch just mere hours before the mysterious end of humanity. But yeah, you can flip R-19 inside out to wash the tunnel with no worries. This one STRETCHES. You’d need to put in some serious dedication to damage the material.
– Summary –
While R-19 isn’t an onahole I’ll be keeping in my regular rotation of cum tubes – honestly I probably won’t try it again after this review is wrapped up – I appreciate that XTC Japan have shamelessly just ripped off an existing concept. I guess?! It was very clearly a big seller for Toy’s Heart at some point.
If you’re after some major suction combined with mild stimulation, you might enjoy this one. There’s room to move in here, it’s easy to clean and you’ve got some solid durability. That’s not bad for $20 really.
About what a kebab with chips and a drink costs these days. God. The pre-cum is oozing just thinking about it.
+ Decent budget option if you’re after something soft and flexible
+ Tunnel length is a bit more generous than usual
+ Absolute box art goblin character power
– Very minimal feedback
– Top heavy design feels clumsy
– It can get EXTREMELY loud mid-wank
Hey, thanks for reading! Feel free to follow me on Twitter for more onahole stuff. Or if you’re feeling extra generous, please consider donating to my PayPal. I’d greatly appreciate it. Your support keeps my penis alive (inside new and interesting onaholes!)
This review product was provided by MotsuToys and Thanks again!
For a brief, terrifying moment I was worried that I was first learning about some new legislation from a sex toy review blog. Anyway, I still kind wonder why the R-20 was even called that. Most onahole names I’ve seen are pretty evocative of something, usually something very specific.
Only second upload works
That narrows it down to the Sharesome host being the issue then, which is weird, but at least I can rehost everything… eventually. Several years worth of videos lol
recently discovered your blog, your writing style is brilliant and so much fun
question, are the $ you mention measured in Aussiebucks or Freedombucks; because if you can get a kebab with chips and drink for AUS 20 you can get a cheaper kebab than I can here in London lol