Product: Rika Likes Anal
Manufacturer: XTC Japan
Measurements: length – 15cm, weight – 700g
Retailers: MotsuToys* (EU) /* (US)
– This product was provided by MotsuToys and for masturbation review purposes
– Retailers marked with * are affiliate links
“Hello, newspaper? I’d like to submit an anonymous tip”
“Sir, the local paper hasn’t been in print for years, this is now Jolly’s Jumbo Pizza Extravaganza”
“Do you know Rika?”
“… No, sir”
“She likes anal. RIKA LIKES ANAL”
“Good to know”
“Are you stopping the presses so you can start them again with this breaking news on the front page?”
*Dial tone*
“The anonymous tip is my penis by the way, haha, do you get it?”
*Dial tone*
Given that this a parody based around Rika Shiraki from the classic family-friendly series Bible Black, I guess the onahole’s name isn’t exactly a revelation. Stay tuned for the sequel, Rika Likes Enemas. But holy shit, a modern Bible Black themed onahole? What a world.
Still waiting for that Cool Devices onahole though. One day, man. One day.
– Unboxing / Presentation –
This is some really nice box art. You just know someone at XTC Japan made an excited noise which can never be accurately reproduced upon discovering they could have her full arse and thighs extend over the flap like this.
Cute chibi character art underneath and everything. She’s probably asking if you like chunky or smooth peanut butter, I don’t know. TOO BAD, ANAL GACHA.
Despite being double-bagged (which is usually a warning sign that the onahole is extra oily during shipping – just another iconic peanut butter reference for all the buttered peanut fans out there), there’s actually no worries here at all.
In fact, this might be XTC Japan’s best material so far!
Weighing in at a hefty 700g, there’s a very minor coarse texture going on here which genuinely feels fucking fantastic in ya big ol’ wankin’ fingers. I REALLY hope they use this on more onaholes going forward.
Given this is an anal onahole, the clown-sized puffy vagina lips are a mere decoration – a decoy – and that’s a fun detail. Granted you could probably carve your own hole through them, but perhaps you maybe shouldn’t, yeah?
Here’s the tiny little wrinkled star(fish) of the show, and boy was I excited this for this one. I’d been fuckin’ fiending for an anal onahole for a while now, and so far everything had been reminding me of my previous fav – the 2016 Toy’s Heart dick-crusher Student Council President.
As it turns out, yeah! XTC Japan VERY CLEARLY took inspiration from that design (inside and out), but have also improved upon it in just about every possible way. You’d sure hope so given that it’s been like a decade, but hey.
Who even knows what a passage of time is anymore after 2020.
The dual layer design allows for a slicker, fancier, RED… IER lookin’ inner tunnel.
– Feeling –
Make sure you’ve got some extra lube smeared around the entry point with this one, but once you’re in HOLY HELL is it satisfying. The opening is tight and remains so, delivering a near constant level of resistance as it attempts to squeeze shut over your shaft.
Right from the get-go, Rika Likes Anal makes it very clear XTC Japan have actually attempted a proper arse-fuckin’ blob instead of the usual trick where some onaholes will be like ‘haha yeah sure, this is an asshole’ and penetrating it just feels exactly the same as their vagina/mouth/belly button/ham sandwich designs.
I’ve cum multiple times using this just by stimulating my head with the entry alone. Some rapid full-length strokes followed by slower, more deliberate motions – letting it grip and drag over the glans – whew, jesus.
Moving past the actual opening though, or the uh, ‘Shadow Seal Backdoor’ (I like that they’ve named every part of the tunnel like it’s a Yu-Gi-Oh card or something), you’ll likely deal with a fair bit of pushback initially. The mid-section seems to trap air upon entry which can fart you back out.
Give it a few slow strokes and you’ll be all good to go.
From here you’ll feel another tight checkpoint in the form of a chunky rubber ring embedded within. It wraps around to act as a faux-muscle that constricts over your shaft with each thrust. Again, extremely similar to Student Council President but not quite as extreme (likely because Rika Likes Anal is considerably larger in general).
Combined with the entry absolutely GRASPING onto your shaft for dear life, you’re basically rubbing past two massive jolts of stimulation in rapid succession. Almost like wearing a cock ring at the base of your shaft and then explaining to emergency workers why you’ve tried to unlock your back door without the key.
They sigh, firing up their angle grinders.
In terms of like, feedback from the internal textures, there actually isn’t much going on in here. The walls are suitably squishy and feature some basic ribbing. Nothing too hardcore, but I think it works well considering the entry point and ring-thing are already doing heaps.
“How’s the onahole feel, Infernal?”
“Does heaps”
But yeah, the tunnel is also quite open and accommodating which helps build up some fucking wild suction over time. It’s REAL GOOD. By the time you cum it’ll probably feel like you’ve just gotten sucked out of a plane.
Imagine waking up one night and this is your sleep paralysis demon.
– Cleaning –
Thankfully way easier than I’d imagined. I figured it’d be a bit tricky to fully flush out the end zone, but nah. Fill it up with water and you can basically just squeeze the walls to watch it squirt out with extreme force. Very authentic!
I’ve been using this for a few weeks now and so far the material has held up extremely well. It still has that nice coarse outer texture goin’ on. Again, I really hope XTC Japan use this more often!
– Summary –
Rika Likes Anal is the nicest arse-fuckin’ onahole I’ve tried in years. Probably since Student Council President, which makes sense considering XTC Japan basically just flogged that decade-old design and finally improved upon it by making everything bigger and better.
The material is incredible, there’s some real heft (it’s more than twice the weight) and the whole thing is designed to lock your dick into place with an iron grip. That ring they’ve used around the halfway point also does a great job attempting to simulate the rectum tensing up over your shaft.
Good shit, man.
(Without the shit).
Rika Likes Anal
+ EXCELLENT tight entry point which constantly fights back against you, attempting to close shut and trap you within the rectum realm
+ Nice mid-point ring which delivers another burst of tight stimulation
+ Builds up some massive suction over time
– Bit clumsy to stay inside during the first few thrusts
– It’s loud as fuck when you really start get going
Hey, thanks for reading! Feel free to follow me on Twitter or Bluesky for more onahole stuff. Or if you’re feeling extra generous, please consider donating to my PayPal. I’d greatly appreciate it. Your support keeps my penis alive (inside new and interesting onaholes!)
This review product was provided by MotsuToys and Thanks again!
Great review as always. Video really shows it locking onto your cock like you described. I’ll have to look into this one for sure.