Product: Usagi Chan Bite Excellent Onahole
Manufacturer: Outvision
Measurements: length – 13cm, weight – 230g
Retailers: NLS / otonaJP / Kanojo Toys*
Header image: Akaza
Review: Onaho Market
Wonder Ring: Poco Pen! – Wasn’t this a Dreamcast thing
Product: Wonder Ring: Poco Pen!
Manufacturer: Magic Eyes
Measurements: length – 16cm, weight – 2.5kg / 5.5 lbs
Retailers: Kanojo Toys* / NLS / CoolMST* / Toy Demon* / otonaJP
Header image: Pure Dream
Review: Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Virgo
Product: Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Virgo (すじまんくぱぁ! ろりんこ処女宮~バルゴ~)
Manufacturer: Magic Eyes
Measurements: length – 20cm, weight – 900g
Retailers: otonaJP / Kanojo Toys* / Motsu Toys / J-List* / Toy Demon* / Otona-Sekai
Win an onahole manga and some dodgy eroge games!
A few months back Toy’s Heart put together a promotional manga for the Los Angeles Anime Expo, and it was kind of a big deal. Kind of sort of as far as onahole-related stuff goes, anyway. I mean, this thing was commissioned exclusively for an American anime convention and distributed at the J-List booth. Guys! Fuck, I dunno. It just still kind of blows my mind.
Even more so that Toy’s Heart asked if they could link to some of my reviews in it. Holy shit, are you kidding? You havin’ a giggle? I’d never felt more worthwhile than a sex toy company actually wanting to feature my long-winded word jumbles which essentially amount to ‘yeah this thing is alright to cum into’. Completely serious.
Anyway, being on the other side of the world and everything, I was pretty keen to get my hands on a copy of the finished manga. So a few weeks later Toy’s Heart kindly sent one over, and by one I mean like twenty billion.
Campus Life: Tidy Type – It’s okay to make a mess
Product: Campus Life: Tidy Type
Manufacturer: Toy’s Heart
Measurements: length – 16.5cm, weight – 284g
Retailers: J-List* / NLS / Toy Demon* / otonaJP / Motsu Toys / Love Merci
Artwork: Koutamii
Campus Life: Athlete Type – Here’s an all-comers event
Product: Campus Life: Athlete Type
Manufacturer: Toy’s Heart
Measurements: length – 16.5cm, weight – 286g
Retailers: otonaJP / NLS / Toy Demon* / J-List* / Motsu Toys / Love Merci
Artwork: Mikeou
After School Girl: Kendo – Features a long wooden rod
Product: After School Girl: Kendo
Manufacturer: Merci
Measurements: length – 14cm, weight – 250g
Retailers: Toy Demon* / Kanojo Toys* / Love Merci
Artwork: V-Mag
Virginal Bloom Junketsu Premium Butt – Lose your way
Product: Virginal Bloom Junketsu Premium Butt
Manufacturer: Magic Eyes
Measurements: length – 18cm, weight – 2kg / 4.4 lbs
Retailers: Motsu Toys / Kanojo Toys* / NLS / otonaJP / Toy Demon* / Cool MST / Love Merci / Otona-Sekai
Artwork: Nuezou