Despite living on the other side of the world where our anime-themed conventions usually consist of bootleg Goku figures, at least seven paintball companies handing out flyers and maybe a bunch of people trying to sketch fanart of said bootleg Goku figures playing paintball, the annual Anime Expo in Los Angeles is always pretty bloody exciting to follow. Lots of localisation announcements and stuff, you know?
Smooth & Flat Girl’s Laboratory – Scientifically inaccurate
Product: Smooth & Flat Girl’s Laboratory
Manufacturer: Outvision
Measurements: length – 11.5cm, weight – 250g
Retailers: NLS / otonaJP / Kanojo Toys*
Artwork: みり
Pineapple Hole – This product’s going to bomb
Product: Pineapple Hole ( パイナップルホール)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Measurements: length – 13cm, weight –120g
Retailers: Otona-Sekai / Amazon (US)* / Kanojo Toys*
– Retailers marked with * are affiliate links
The totally original artwork of Hidachitukko Plus DX
As the onahole industry continues to mature into something that’ll one day be narrated by David Attenborough’s penis on the BBC, I think we’re starting to see a much greater focus on having actual quality box art. Quality tits.
R-20 – Raise your pegleg
Product: R-20
Manufacturer: Toy’s Heart
Measurements: length – 19cm, weight – 405g
Retailers: NLS / Toy Demon* / Amazon / Kanojo Toys* / Motsu Toys / Love Merci
Artwork: Aile
Naive Sister – You put what in the where now?
Product: Naive Sister / Innocent Younger Sister
Manufacturer: Toy’s Heart
Measurements: length – 14.5cm, weight – 400g
Retailers: Kanojo Toys* / Toy Demon* / NLS / otonaJP / J-List*
Artwork: Cla
Review: Maid in Fella
Product: Maid in Fella (メイド in フェラ)
Manufacturer: Toy’s Heart
Measurements: length – 15cm, weight – 335g
Retailers: Kanojo Toys* / otonaJP / Cool MST / Toy Demon*
Review: Daisyuki Hold
Product: Daisyuki Hold (だいしゅきホールド)
Manufacturer: Toy’s Heart
Measurements: length – 15.5cm, weight – 330g
Retailers: J-List* / Kanojo Toys* / Toy Demon* / otonaJP