Review: KYO Bound Kukuru

Product: KYO Bound Kukuru
Motsu Toys
Measurements: length – 15cm, weight – 410g
Retailers: Motsu Toys*

– This product was provided by Motsu Toys* for masturbation review purposes
– Retailers marked with * are affiliate links

You ever woken up with a raging erection and just like, rolled over on it? Like a car attempting to drive away with a wheel lock clamped on or something. Fuckin’ nice. Bladder at bursting point, dick hard enough to do push-ups against the mattress, that’s perilously hot. Part of a complete breakfast as the lord Kellogg’s would advertise.

But do you go for the morning wank, or let it settle so you can comfortably piss away a level of relief on par with ten thousand orgasms? That’s the eternal dilemma for sure. Even dating back to the dark days of Fred Flintstone having to decide between jerking his tender cock after it’s been grinding across a stone bed all night or getting up to try and urinate into a Pterodactyl’s anus.

Sure it’s a living, but at what cost?


So what if I told you there was an onahole tight enough to decimate even the most determined morning wood and it included a tiny little hole at the end? The perfect PISS STREAM diameter?!

Because there is. It’s the KYO Bound Kukuru, and while I’m certainly not gonna stop you peeing out the end if you want, that’s not reeeaaaally what it’s for.

KYO Bound Kukuru is one of the two new onaholes from Motsu Toys’ range of exclusive KYO products, and going by the whole ‘bound’ name thing and that their promo pictures often show ’em tied up in ropes, these things are aiming for a shaft-crushing level of tightness.

There’s also a mouth version, but for today I’ll just be looking at the vagina one. If my dick survives I’ll try to get the other one reviewed next week-ish.

– Unboxing / Presentation – 

The box itself is really sturdy and has super-sharp corners, good for propping something up with or committing manslaughter. There’s not much to the actual box art, but the inlay is handy. You could easily store the onahole back in this box after you’re done.

Unfortunately no lube is included here though, not even a little sample packet. It’s an extra shame considering Motsu Toys’ KYO Lubricant is genuinely outstanding.

Right out the box KYO Bound Kukuru had a bit of flaky powder left over on it (likely to prevent it sweatin’ in there during shipping). Kinda reminded me of a McMuffin except even more fuckable. There was a heavy rubber smell to it too, but no worries. Both of these things vanished pretty quick.

Just gripping it for the first time, this onahole is immediately intimidating. The white grooved exterior is chunky kong as fuck and feels like it could double as exercise equipment. Man this is some TOUGH material, but (thankfully) a huge contrast to the softer part your dick actually rams into.

Also I’ve never been able to easily lift an onahole with one finger before, let alone struggle to get that finger back out again.


– Feeling –

Despite knowing full well this is designed to be a fairly challenging onahole in terms of flattening your cock out and rolling it into a thin tube, sliding into KYO Bound Kukuru is easy enough – juuust as long as you’ve applied a good amount of lube around the entrance first. Not even fuckin’ around here, please don’t skimp on the lube. Your shaft will turn into a staircase otherwise.

But yes, the entry point itself will give way over your head pretty smoothly with a thick, rewarding jolt of stimulation.

It feels like your dick’s just gotten sucked into something much larger than the object you’re actually holding. Unless you’ve crammed the onahole inside a bookcase or something and you’re trying to hold onto that to impress a friend. Not sure, good luck though.

From there… KYO Bound Kukuru is absolutely by far the tightest onahole I’ve ever experienced. The walls almost seem alive as they fight back against your shaft trying to spread them apart. Like vaginal muscles contracting at a hyper aggressive level, or arse fucking someone mid-pucker on the moon.

KYO Bound Kukuru fully lives up to its very simple promise.

The combination of massively thick walls surrounded by a harder layer works wonders at making every stroke feel like a confusingly pleasant struggle. It DOESN’T let up, and this is all further enhanced by a fucking wild sense of pressure.

That little hole at that end? Yeah, you’re meant to jam a finger in there every now and then. Block it off. Pump up a quick, dizzying level of suction and then release. I honestly didn’t think I’d make use of this seeing as the walls squeeze down enough already, but it’s pretty amazing.

One time I blew my load the instant I unplugged the top hole; it was beautiful. More majestic than a whale’s blowhole.

But while a firm death grip is nice and all, I kinda feel KYO Bound Kukuru actually manages to take it all a tad too far.

It’s so tight ALL THE TIME that I’ve been struggling to actually pinpoint any of the internal textures. Occasionally there’s a hefty nub that’ll rub under my head and uh… hmm. For the most part there’s just an enormous squeeze going on.

I can’t exactly relax inside this onahole – like it doesn’t matter if I’m stroking fast or slow, the constant pressure eventually bullies my dick into submission regardless. Edging is just about impossible.

KYO Bound Kukuru is great if you’re throbbing away at 110% and looking for an aggressively tight and quick wank, but simply too overwhelming for more chilled sessions. Besides, the longer you’re inside this thing the more you risk the lube thinning out, and that’s not a good time. At all.

This tunnel is so tight I sorta got ‘stuck’ inside when the lube dried out too much. And by ‘stuck’ I mean stuck stuck. Couldn’t move. Cock trapped inside the onahole. Felt like I’d rip off a layer of skin if I tried to force it. That kinda stuck.

The pressure had built up so much I genuinely couldn’t get my dick back out. Had to awkwardly dribble some more lube into the small top hole to get moving again, because I sure as hell wasn’t going flaccid any time soon.


Very impressive. :’)

– Cleaning – 

Prepare for a fuckin’ mess with this one. That little hole at the top of the onahole is great to mess around with pressure and everything, but it also means your cum is going to erupt out there. Sometimes it might even be a bit delayed and kinda bubble up. Then dribble all over your hand. All over your chair. All over life. Cum.

If you’re lucky you might be able to perform a balancing act like this:


But good luck from there if you haven’t got any tissues handy. RIP.

As for the actual cleaning process, KYO Bound Kukuru is surprisingly easy to maintain. Having that little hole at the end means you can flush everything out under running water without struggling to reach the end with a finger or two, and the material dries quickly. No problems.

– Summary –

I mean, no surprise here – I’ve only mentioned it four thousand times so far – but jesus fucking christ-in-a-box KYO Bound Kukuru is tight. It’s the tightest onahole I’ve ever used, and it manages this while still feeling pleasant if you’re up for it. You’ve seriously gotta be looking for that unrelenting death grip experience though. It’ll react and fight against your dick at all times, constantly gripping and building up higher levels of pressure.

KYO Bound Kukuru is something I’ll only rarely go back to simply because it’s so demanding, but sometimes that’s exactly what you want. Not recommended for casual lazy wanks of if you’re after any major variety in stimulation. Just CRUSHING.


Super quick shitty video of me still wanking into it after cumming because my phone recorded everything before it completely out of focus. :'(

KYO Bound Kukuru

+ Great build quality, feels like something that’ll last longer than the planet itself
+ You can easily increase the amount of suction and pressure with the little hole on top

– Doesn’t have too much to offer aside from just being REALLY FUCKING TIGHT
– Requires a lot of lube to comfortably use, ya dick can get stuck otherwise
– Way too extreme if you’ve got a sensitive head

Hey, thanks for reading! Feel free to follow me on Twitter for more onahole stuff. Or if you’re feeling extra generous, please consider donating to my PayPal. I’d greatly appreciate it. Your support keeps my penis alive (inside new and interesting onaholes!)

13 thoughts on “Review: KYO Bound Kukuru”

  1. You paint quite the picture with this one, but I won’t lie, I’m intrigued. Very intrigued.

    I got my Nupu a while back, by the way, and good lord, that is a fabulous piece of fuckable rubbery stuff. A wanking revolution.

  2. the links are messed up btw, also do mototsu ship to us without ripping me a new one (besides the onahole being super tight)?

  3. A Word Of Warning.
    I have followed and bought a few (12) of your excellent recomendations and apreciate your reviews immensely, the Onas have blown my mind. I have been a widow for almost 6 years and using Ona Holes exclusively for the last 3 years. Recently I started having sex again with a new lady and I must say the transition back is difficult and embarising that I can’t perform. Ona holes are not like vaginas and they overstimulate you, I have found it is really hard to come and to keep a hardon with a woman again, something I have no issues at all with when using an Ona, I can have a hardon for hours with some or some make me come in about 2 mins The stimulation is very diffrent. I think you should only use Ona Holes very ocasionally and defenently not almost every day as I was and get too use to that feeling. Super tight is nothing like the real thing, nor having weird bumps or twists at certain spots, it’s not something you should get use to or expect from a real vagina.
    Sorry to drag the mood down but I think it should be said.

  4. What do you reccomend to get now (as a first timer), Ordered Magic Eyes’s Melty Love, on its way but want to also buy a backup since the cost of fowarding service fee would be a pain in the arse if I order again, Im looking at: Lolinco, Roa, Rina, Puni Virgin Mini, Julia+, what should I get? (For this backup durability is priority, not that invincible where there’s no wear&tear but just can be usable for the longest time possible, even if it have small tears in the first weeks.)


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