Review: KYO Bound Kohai

Product: KYO Bound Kohai
Manufacturer: MotsuToys
Measurements: length – 15cm, weight – 420g
Retailers: MotsuToys*

– This product was provided by MotsuToys* for masturbation review purposes
– Retailers marked with * are affiliate links

Remember how I reviewed the vagina version of MotsuToys’ dick-destroying KYO Bound onahole back in April with a vague threat of checking out its oral sister product “next week-ish”? Well, here we are next week! Yep… in good ol’ August.

It’s okay though, because that was an easy onahole to think back on. KYO Bound Kukuru was tight; really tight. Like fucking some kind of space vagina through a rapidly shrinking hole in the side of a compressed (space) submarine without wearing a helmet. That kind of tight.

In fact, in all these years it was by far the tightest onahole I’d ever been squeezed to death in. Something I could only recommend on those nights where you get BIG HORNY to the point of forming a bitter rivalry with week-old bread for the hardest substance in existence and just want pure shaft crushing abuse more than anything.

… Which was exactly the entire point of it, so whatever. It worked.

A BLOWJOB version of that thing though? What the fuck.

Yep! This is the KYO Bound Kohai. Same basic high pressure concept, but now there’s teeth involved. Very good then.

– Unboxing / Presentation – 

Just like the other one, KYO Bound Kohai comes in an incredibly sturdy box which probably wouldn’t bother anyone if you just had it sitting in your lap on the bus or whatever.

“What’s in that bland looking grey box” the bus driver would ask. “Nothing old man, just some normal every day rope for my penis”. Everyone would cheer. Meanwhile the bus would be hurtling off a cliff due to the driver’s absence.

Sorry for the messy desk photos here, my cat was on the bed and I didn’t really wanna disturb it.

There’s some oily smell to it initially, but that fades after a few minutes. Nothin’ to worry about.

The onahole is a good size (both KYO Bounds have the same dimensions) and that ultra thick material is again tough to the point of being a tad scary. Dig your grip in and you’ll barely make a dent; you could easily shatter a window with this thing.

Better put your cock in it then.

We’ve got some teeth in here made of what feels like slightly harder (!) material and there’s a stumpy tongue thing too. Everything anyone would ever need for anything everywhere.

It’s a fairly basic looking mouth, but it works.

Huge if true.

– Feeling –

What happens when you make a ridiculously tight tunnel and throw in some hard teeth plus a chunky nub-like tongue as an initial roadblock? Chaos. Honestly, I didn’t like KYO Bound Kohai at all the first time.

As my head grinded between those chompin’ front teeth I found myself smacking right up against the tongue in a clumsy kinda way. Even with a heap more lube than usual oozing down my shaft, pushing further inside just felt like an unpleasant struggle. I’d keep getting stuck, and the walls were so narrow every stroke felt like I was shaving off a layer of skin. Was kinda terrified that I’d pull out and just be left with a pencil.

Still, I gave it my best shot. Had an orgasm essentially bullied out in a desperate attempt to go flaccid and immediately felt like garbage. There’s nothing worse than realising you’ve just wasted perfectly good wankin’ time on a sad wank.

So after cleaning out KYO Bound Kohai, I put it aside for ages.

Perfect for grandmas to pinch all day long.

Then I dunno, like six thousand weeks later I saw it there rolling around in the onahole drawer and felt guilty as fuck. “Oh no, I never reviewed this. Oh no, I have an erection right now“. Too late. I was back in there again.

Guess I’d managed to break it in a bit, as the second time went a tad smoother. However I still wasn’t particularly having a great experience.

After a few more times, at best I can say KYO Bound Kohai is… exhausting?

Much like KYO Bound Kukuru, this thing hugs your dick so hard it’s almost impossible to get a good feel for the tunnel’s actual design. All those bumps and ridges go to waste because the walls are aggressively squeezing down non-stop.

I actually didn’t mind this in the other KYO Bound, but now we’ve got fuckin’ teeth to deal with. It’s way too much. When you’re all the way in those pearly rubbery whites clench into the base of your shaft and create a whole new level of friction. I’d feel the onahole slowly judder around with each motion – didn’t even seem to matter how much lube went into it.

The worst thing here is probably the whole mind games thing. Nothing about this sensation resembles a blowjob. Gimmie an onahole with a generic hole in the middle and sure, I could probably pretend that’s anything. Put a mouth and nose on there though? Wew, that’s officially a mouth.

This is more like getting a handjob from a garbage truck.

– Cleaning – 

Just like its vagina partner, KYO Bound Kohai has a small hole at the end of it which lets you fuck around with the pressure. This is cool, but yeah. It makes this thing a nightmare to deal with once you’ve cum. You’ll shoot right out the top in the world’s most regrettable volcano.

I’ve even tried to avoid it by attempting to aim my head directly into the wall or by closing off the end with my finger. Sadly nah, still manages to make a mess. There’s a pic in the spoiler at the end.

I mean, aside from that it’s a fairly easy onahole to take care of. Thanks to the hole at the end you can easily flush everything out under a tap, and the material itself could survive a nuclear blast. All good. This onahole will last a looooong time.

– Summary –

KYO Bound Kohai is just… too tight, man.

Even for a product specifically designed to crush, this is too much for me personally. Every time I used this it felt like I’d just run a marathon covered entirely in glue. Legitimately had me sweating just from masturbating. I can’t even enjoy what the tunnel has to potentially offer due to its overwhelming sense of pressure and an awkward set of teeth scraping away at what little sensation is left in my dick.

If you’re after an incredibly tight toss then sure, the other KYO Bound will probably have you covered. This one is pure overkill by comparison.

KYO Bound Kohai

+ It’s built like a tank. Like a tank’s… mouth?
+ Will decimate even the most determined erection in no time
+ Unbelievably tight

– So tight it’s difficult to enjoy any of the tunnel’s actual design
– Teeth can be painful more than anything
– Goes through lube like crazy

Hey, thanks for reading! Feel free to follow me on Twitter for more onahole stuff. Or if you’re feeling extra generous, please consider donating to my PayPal. I’d greatly appreciate it. Your support keeps my penis alive (inside new and interesting onaholes!)

4 thoughts on “Review: KYO Bound Kohai”

  1. From here on out I’ll also be uploading all wank videos featured in reviews on Sharesome (in addition to Pornhub). I can’t put the HD files on the blog because my hosting plan just shits itself with larger stuff, but hopefully this’ll be a good option for those of you who can’t access Pornhub! 🙂


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