Review: The Smell of the Sweaty Uniform Athletic Club Girl

Product: School Athletic Club Sweaty Uniform Smell (女子校生の脱ぎたてパンツの匂い)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Retailers: otonaJP / J-List* / Kanojo Toys*

– This product was provided by otonaJP for masturbation review purposes
– Retailers marked with * are affiliate links

So in the eternal interest of everyone’s favourite history-related subject nobody fucking cared about in high school – geography – it’s been about foooour years since I started reviewing smell fetish goods on this blog? That’s four years of huffing chemicals in the vague hope one of them matching an impossible mix of 3D and 2D’s mysterious lack of overall scent.

Diving deeper, I’m pretty sure Tamatoys first started releasing these in 2012 or something. Amazing. So if we add up the numbers, that’s roughly 687 million years of the same company striving to bottle the smell of a sweaty anime girl.

Honestly I just love that these are actually slightly different every single time. It’d be easy to squirt out the same shit over and over, but nah. Tamatoys legitimately try to nail this white whale (cum). Sometimes they get close to greatness, but often the end result just resembles some perfume you’d typically get sprayed with directly in the eyeballs by rogue staff members at a department store.

Thankfully The Smell of the Sweaty Uniform Athletic Club Girl is one of Tamatoys’ better efforts. In like, quite a long time.

It also strikes a fine balance where the name is long, but not quite enough to require a gasp of air in between saying it out loud. Though to be fair, after 28 trillion years you’d certainly expect more elaborate ways to sell a bottle of sweat.

Anyway cool. Upon the first blast of spray, The Smell of the Sweaty Uniform Athletic Club Girl immediately reveals everything it has. That’s kinda surprising! Usually these things smell like fuckin’ nostril-burning death for the first thirty seconds or so – requiring patient erections to merely throb in anticipation before settling in – but nope. Not here.

I guess if anything the scent is kinda like a pile of damp clothing mixed with a hint of old deodorant? I’m gonna sound demented here, but it’s almost like there’s a weird sense of warmth to it. Really nice stuff. Perhaps my nostrils are warped and I have the brain damage™. Whatever hey.

Regardless, this scent absolutely triggers whatever horny receptors power the lust for fake body odor. The Smell of the Sweaty Uniform Athletic Club Girl is a rare example of the smelly mist within actually matching its product title. I can totally picture this scent emanating from a recently discarded, sweat-drenched uniform. From an athletic… club… girl? Absolutely nobody else.

It tends to last a really long time too, and eventually settles into a duller, muskier version of itself. Bit like my balls when I haven’t showered that day yeah.

*Flexes testicles*

Tamatoys have thankfully been uploading all their glorious box art to Pixiv lately.

In the right mindset (ie; an erection), The Smell of the Sweaty Uniform Athletic Club Girl is a fantastic addition to your wanking needs. I seriously love this one. It’s a bit hard to explain the unrivalled power of cumming to a semi-realised fetish, but man.

You ever orgasm so fucking hard you immediately get a searing pain in your side? The kind where you’re stuck in that blissful aftermath but also in excruciating pain?

I sure hope not. I don’t think that’s normal. Probably not something anyone should really experience.

I should go see a doctor.

Anyway, The Smell of the Sweaty Uniform Athletic Club Girl is Tamatoys’ first really good attempt at capturing sweat-soaked clothing in ages. Highly recommend. Especially now with face masks being a common thing worldwide.

Holy shit what a revelation; until now I’d just been spraying these things on my free hand while tossing into an onahole, but now I can just spray it onto a mask. This opens up a whole new world of having a completely free hand to flop about.


(Also sorry, I know things have been pretty quiet lately! Here’s some dick??)


Also a bit of pre-cum and a control pad evidently.

The Smell of the Sweaty Uniform Athletic Club Girl

+ Absolutely one of Tamatoys better efforts in recent years. To me it basically delivers on the name, resembling some rank-ass sweaty clothing
+ Not sure what else to put under these bullet point type things
+ I’ll hopefully be getting back into the groove with onahole reviews real soon, love you guys

– These little bottles of stink are still hyper expensive to import unless you’re chucking it in with an existing pricey order :'(

Hey, thanks for reading! Feel free to follow me on Twitter for more onahole stuff. Or if you’re feeling extra generous, please consider donating to my PayPal. I’d greatly appreciate it. Your support keeps my penis alive (inside new and interesting onaholes!)

This review product was provided by otonaJP. Thanks again!




13 thoughts on “Review: The Smell of the Sweaty Uniform Athletic Club Girl”

  1. Your remark about cumming so hard that your side hurts… While I have never experienced that, I have experienced cumming so much that the whole day after I had this strange empty feeling in my balls. Felt weird man.

  2. Commiserations on your hernia… Nah; but it still could be serious, em eight. (please do your best to ignore the mentions of cancer!) At least you’re one of the 0.00069% of people who actually look good in a faux sweat-drenched mask.

    Always love reading about these scents. Still really intrigued to blow a wad (of cash) on one but I’m very relieved to hear it smells of a “recent” event. I’m certainly guilty of creepily huffing clothes that had been sitting around in the laundry for a few days and that was NOT a good time I can tell you.

    And very cool about the Pixiv update. Cheers!

    • Thanks for the link (OH NO CANCER!) I probably shooould get it checked out if it keeps happening. I imagine seven years of wanking into these things has probably had some sort of effect!

      Oh yeah, actually smelling a laundry hamper full of old clothes is basically death haha.


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