Review: Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Extra Virgin

Product: Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Extra Virgin (すじまんくぱぁEXバージンろりんこ マジックアイズ )
 Magic Eyes
Measurements: length – 18cm, weight – 660g
Retailers: otonaJP* / Motsu Toys* / Kanojo Toys*

– Retailers marked with * are affiliate links

Good news, everyone! The already kinda suss loli-like bride Sujiman Kupa Lolinco is back after four previous marriages to several thousand penises worldwide each time, but now she’s somehow more of a virgin than ever!

In fact she’s gone and become all EXTRA VIRGIN – potentially lubin’ up with a bit of classic olive oil for that multi-purpose goodness. So how does someone turn into an extra turbo super deluxe virgin despite their fifth marriage? Who knows, but I love when an onahole series manages to capture some unwritten murder mystery lore to it without even trying.

Here’s Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Extra Virgin, the latest addition to Magic Eyes’ incredibly successful and 100% legally binding range of rubber anime wives.

Originally introduced in 2014 with a level of pure shaft-squeezing abuse and chunky goodness rarely fucked with in an anime vag, Magic Eyes really knocked it out of the park with Sujiman Kupa LolincoThe uh, the cum park, I guess? Just an entire open space filled with cum. World peace.

They followed it up with a bigger version in 2015, then shrunk it back down with softer material in 2017, before giving it a see-through gel makeover in 2019. Whew. All these versions kept the same internal design – and with the exception of Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Mochiri Soft (secret: the soft one) – I’ve absolutely adored obliterating them all.

Here’s a quick recap:

Sujiman Kupa Lolinco = 😀
Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Virgo = 😀 😀 !
Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Mochiri Soft = 🙁
Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Crystal Hard = 😀

This new Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Extra Virgin release marks a major change then, as the tunnel itself has been completely altered. Looks the same on the outside, but we’ve got a whole new meat maze to navigate inside.

– Unboxing / Presentation – 

Firstly and most importantly, the Japanese marriage registration form (a ‘konin todoke’ if you want to impress old folks at the local bus stop) is back to being included on the box. Finally, thank god wow. Magic Eyes didn’t feature this on the last one for whatever reason.

Aside from that the presentation is fairly basic. Standard sample of lube and a plastic container which could be used for storage purposes. That art of Lolinco herself is pretty nice too, what with the letter V in Virgin conveniently blocking her panties. Customs officers = defeated.

Don’t worry, your one very likely won’t include cat hair on it within seconds of opening the box!

Again, Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Extra Virgin looks virtually identical to the original design, which is fine. The little belly button slit thing, nipples and hyper-puckered anus are back for decoration, and the entrance still consists of some hugely puffy, circus tent flaps. (Please look forward to my upcoming line of erotic novels).

In terms of its physical size, this one sits right in between the original model and its bigger Virgo version.

The material is a considerable improvement over a lot of Magic Eyes’ other recent releases for long-term durability and lack of smell, however you can see above (and below!) that there was a design fault near the entrance.

Judging by user reviews on Amazon Japan, this appears to be a common issue unfortunately.

Even if this didn’t happen out of the box, I feel like it’d be damn near impossible to keep that part from splitting regardless. Just kinda weird.


This is what it looked like the first time I was using it, and the material ended up completely splitting afterwards. It doesn’t seem to have affected anything though?

– Feeling –

Please help, it’s my balls. They’re like raisins at this point. I’m completely addicted to this onahole. Started using it about two weeks ago and I’ve just had constant erections fighting through flaccid insomnia merely thinking about fucking this thing when I’m not inside it. Don’t even know what day it is anymore.

Even pushing into the entrance is an absolute treat; watching the outer lips stretch over your head before bouncing back into shape down your shaft. Jesus.

Once inside, a wildly powerful elastic ring immediately challenges you to a fight. Good. You can get through it easy enough, but prepare to be locked in place with some aggressive tightness constantly digging into your shaft.

From there the tunnel just goes absolutely ape shit, pushing massive waves of stimulation across every inch of your dick in a determined quest to almost literally squeeze an orgasm right out. Think a tube of toothpaste hey.

These walls are laced with haphazardly placed chunks, and each one is roughly textured as you slide in and out. It’s an endless assault. But if you can survive long enough for the lube to fully coat every aspect, Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Extra Virgin slowly calms the fuck down into something slightly less brutal.

I’ve had slower sessions upwards of 45 minutes, casually multi-tasking online while soaking in the pleasure. Other times it’s been like “haha gonna masturba-OH NO CUM”. Luck of the horny draw I guess.

Either way, there’s a wildly comforting sorta sensation to this onahole when you’re mid-toss. The walls end much feeling fuller and thicker than they really are. Would love to cum into this in front a fireplace whilst swirling a glass of port all over my dressing gown.

… Hell, I’d love to just own a dressing gown.

Then you get to the end point and FUCK (props to NLS Japan for sacrificing an onahole for the photo above). This part attempts to replicate a uterus, made of considerably harder material than the tunnel. It’s entirely new to this version.

Ideally designed so your head will smash snugly into it and get cupped by the surrounding walls, but in practice this sorta rarely ever works. A lot of the time I’d end up just awkwardly mashing around it.

Still a nice extra jolt of pleasure, but if the gacha gods are wanking in your favour you’ll manage to pop inside perfectly.

If so, the resulting sensation is kinda… strange? Almost like a grandma going to pinch you on the cheek, but instead she falls over and latches onto your crotch in a last-ditch attempt at regaining balance. Very sharp.

Not entirely unpleasant, but this may catch you completely off-guard – especially since it happens at random upon each thrust. I try to stick to mid-section when possible.

– Cleaning –

It wouldn’t be an ‘Infernal gets insanely hyped about the simple act of cumming for several paragraphs before suddenly throwing the entire review off-balance’ thing without some good ol’ fashioned negativity, and boy is Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Extra Virgin an absolute nightmare to clean. Holy shit man, washing out this onahole sucks.

It’s entirely manageable of course, but that uterus blob of an end section manages to trap various liquids of the sticky kind with an absolute vengeance. Prepare to spend a loooong time flushing this out.

And lemme tell you, there’s absolutely nothing more flaccid than frantically fingering the slimy, warm depths of a hole under running water as the sink begins to clog because the pipes are struggling from years of cum and lube going down them. The mental image of a plumber eventually being called out only to witness true eldritch despair.

Drying the end part is a fuckin’ bitch too. The onahole will begin to ease up over time as your cock stretches the tunnel, but getting in there with a microfibre cloth the first few times is a struggle.

– Summary –

Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Extra Virgin is an addictive, head-spinning time. The chaotic walls deliver an endless assault of stimulation as the opening ring almost threatens to lop your shaft off at the base with its sheer tightness. Some QA issues aside – which seems to be a luck of the draw thing – Magic Eyes have made a solid proper sequel to the original design.

Your millage may vary with the uterus end point however. Sometimes it feels great to whack into it, other times it’s just a weird clumsy barrier.

Personally I still prefer the Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Virgo to this, as it’s slightly more aggressive (!), bigger in size and easier to clean.

But nah yeah, Extra Virgin is great too!

Here’s a vid where I didn’t really know what to do after cumming so I just awkwardly fondle my cock wow:

Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Extra Virgin

+ Incredibly tight entry point keeps you locked in place as the walls go to town on your shaft
+ High level stimulation that’s somehow still manageable and doesn’t get repetitive
+ Uterus feels great when/if you manage to randomly pop into it

– Uterus feels like nothing most of the time
– Slight chance of a weird design fault near the entrance
– Pain in the arse to clean, requires an absurd amount of patience

Hey, thanks for reading! Feel free to follow me on Twitter for more onahole stuff. Or if you’re feeling extra generous, please consider donating to my PayPal. I’d greatly appreciate it. Your support keeps my penis alive (inside new and interesting onaholes!)

27 thoughts on “Review: Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Extra Virgin”

  1. “The mental image of a plumber eventually being called out only to witness true eldritch despair.”

    Mario when he realizes he’s trapped face to face with a Toad cum monster
    “LUIGI I CAN’T GET OUTTA HERE! [boo laughs] YA NEED TO–“

  2. Informative as always. I have clogged up my bathroom sink with cum several times at this point. Thankfully, having a beard means you can blame any such blockages on shaving detritus rather than wank remnants, should the wife ask. And that Mr Muscle stuff from the corner shop seems to dissolve old jizz with zero mercy, so all good.

  3. Two questions, first one: is this stuff legal in leafland? i’ve heard of a case of some dude getting tracked by the cops but they had to drop the charges cause there weren’t any precedent for determining the age of fucking cartoon characters lmao, but i just wanna be safe anyway
    second: how do I clean without ruining the double layer? my Anri Okita meiki got fucked (tear-ruining suction, double/triple layer is falling apart) so I’m depressed while waiting for AIKA, the Eimi meiki is too hard but more durable
    good review either way, I’ve kept a close eye on these products and magic eyes seems really good from what I’ve tried (MOT)

    • It’s a bit difficult honestly. I’ve had onahole packages opened by Aussie customs before with really dodgy packaging, but they’ve all been cleared with no issue. I’m putting that down to pure luck though. I think unless the box is like straight up naked loli stuff then it shooooouuuld be okay? Probably best to request whoever you’re buying from to remove the packaging before shipping to remain safe though.

      For dual layer holes that seem too fragile to dry by ramming a cloth inside, I’d recommend picking up something like the Quick Dry Stick ( It’s a reusable tampon for onaholes essentially lmao. Does a fantastic job and there’s no risk of accidentally stretching the material to clean.

  4. Nice review as always. If I ever buy a onehole again, this one looks pretty high on the list.

    But the cleaning is such a bummer and the main reason I rarely use one. Who wants to spend time scraping out cum out of a silicon blob. I wish they would get some innovation in that area. This is were our brightest scientists are needed! But nooo, they all spend their time with finding a cure to Covid19 and boring stuff like that.

  5. Im a noob to onaholes or any sex toys, this was my first one. its really stimulating, like over stimulating for me, shit makes me a virgin bruh.

  6. they need to get around to making some kind of pocket area for your dick to go around the cervix, like the real thing – it’s anatomically called the vaginal forinx.
    The dick actually prefers to slide down the posterior forinx (this feels the best for the lady for that full feeling (c) ), though the anterior one helps the dick to kinda properly “boop” into the cervix, or “slamjam” into, if you will, since there’s a bit of room for the head to snugly fit into.

    I’m really well versed with proper medical terms.

  7. This girl got fornices! Her cervix sits in the chamber of it’s own. You can feel quite a bit of a void when you press below her breasts. Just bend the flat part down when you are taking her doggy style. Stiff bit has a small bumps texture and you can control how it runs over your frenulum and around the head.

    Entering cervical canal, however, is only possible with a fingertip. No way to overcome the stiffness of that cup with a head swollen twice it’s size and swimming in lubricant.

    What was not mentioned is how vocal this girl is. Elastic ring at the entrance makes lewd wet noises when you run in and out of it with your head. When you go deeper it lock-hugs you inside so the sound of tunnel is muffled as it is heard through the walls themselves. Air bubbles will be forced to find a new spot for themselves as you penetrate the cervix chamber. That is a third voice of this toy. The tunnel and cervix both exchange lubricant mixed with air back and forth as you go for quick short pushes in her depths. You can play her as a music instrument.

  8. Sadly mine formed a small hole at the end after the very first use where lube will slowly ooze out.
    The feeling is great though and actually prefer it a bit over the more expensive Satori.

  9. Larry is hung like a horse and he reamed my anus last night. He was very brutal and I’m still in anal pain from all the seamen he remained inside of me.I think Boris will gang bang me tonight with Bruce.

  10. Prologue
    Many argue over this tale is it a love ode to a hole or a survival spunksunami story
    we have forgotten that the greatest stories are always about hard vs tight,

    Long time ago, mankind discovered masturbation and created large Sex dolls handheld genitalia as tools for masturbating to train during the day for the nighttime ceremonial orgies.

    But then keep the dark ages, of religion, toys became false idols
    The story became dark versus light, penis became soft worship hard, pussy became hard, choirboy anus was the tight

    For the the living they gave holy wars

    All the Orgies, orgasms etc they give those to the dead created heaven and Hell

    Chapter “Sea Me Cum, Silicone!”

    This is the tale of my lore
    And the magic hole
    of Lolinco Virgo .

    hi being from the race off the well endowed
    When hard I travel in aid of those who are tight giving milk making that which is dry and juicy
    One day I Istumble upon a magical place where all holes are tight. no one will doubt, insight,
    Never has anyone ever fucked from Ocean of sperm
    I a sex monster be cum
    A loud Bang! A devastating eruption ows from my cock
    Bang Cock

    The people orgasmed and henceforth called their town Bangkok
    A great name and its people I said are tight
    Your country will be called Tight land

    All the tights BAnged my COck
    All my sperm, streams of spunk the streets filled up
    The tight pussies, winding up waves of juice kept swelling up
    jizz and juice all mixed up into a towering Jizzunami powered by Pussy juice flooding the streets filling all the tight holes waves of Godzilla level cum
    Surfing on jizz, swimming in sperm the people cheer in Delight once again they ask for aid
    my penis still hard. With loop the foreskin and lots of love it is shared and used by all young and old animal pets bugs, and all even food that people were dug up, and I put my dick in what was left off their rotting yet sril tight hole, Nine months later the countries population doubles and new generation of Tight people are born with small holes my miracles in Bangkok have them all big cocks
    Wonders from my penis, was given to all

    with my now empty large lube of KY
    Icoveeed in sperm but believing it’s sweat, by bellend sore from millions of tight holes leaning on my hard cock for support I stumble weakly back home yet still not satisfied but tired and alone surrounded by onshore for before my journey I had ordered every onahole available from the jungles of the Amazon, the cave of Ali Baba and few local store

    I fucked then all, my balls now chapatis round and brown, dry and woth holes

    My dick, once the inspiration for Godzilla now a Kentucky chicken bone
    Instant using it to scrape penis skin from the floor
    Mush for brain. Organs failed, Nothing remains numb week dry humping the floor

    My bed awaits but I slip slide on all the jizz I’ve made. I fall face into carpet mistaking it for a sticky grave

    The impact forces a slither of vision
    Hazed and dazed I spot fat lips with a smile and a slit
    The Virgo, still in its box had fallen resting under the bidet
    Destiny awaits, a new hole: hope
    Using my empty ball sack as a make-shift meat sleigh I slide

    No sound Body parts, brain activity, sight sound none of them work and slowly all organs start to fail and I slip into Beyond numbness
    In a last ditch attempt to survive I popped seeds of viagra grabbed chicken bone and unboxed my bride

    I was reborn
    I am gusher
    The milk fountain man
    The creator of silicon and PTE
    My balls are all seeing magiceyes my dick is Godzilla
    the big bang was me playing with my Virgo she is all I need
    A real god like me doesn’t need worship
    It’s not tight vs hardest
    It’s the begging and the end the yin and yang the tightest AND the hardest

    It’s Virgo and me

    is All that is, was and will be its all the needs

    And maybe some lube or lotion at the very least
    A lil cream

    • Translated…from ancient pervlevian

      Many argue over this tale is it a love ode to a hole or a survival spunksunami story
      we have forgotten that the greatest stories are always about “hard vs tight”

      A Long time ago, in a land full of jizz, mankind discovered masturbation and created large Sex dolls + handheld genitalia as tools for masturbating used to train during the day in preparation for the nighttime ceremonial orgies.

      But then came the dark ages, of religion, toys became false idols
      The story became dark versus light, penis became soft, worship hard, pussy became closed, choirboy anus was the sought after tight

      For the the living they gave holy wars

      All the Orgies, orgasms etc they give those to the dead and kept in heaven and Hell a place with no airports

      -+++++—+++—— — —- -x- ——- –

      Chapter “Sea Me Cum, Silicone!”

      This is the tale of my lore
      And the magic hole
      of Lolinco Virgo .

      I being a being from the race of well endowed peoples with extra girth, I have have a responsibility
      When my penis is extra hard I travel to give aid to those who are tight in the hole, giving milk making that which is dry into something juicy
      One day I during my travels I stumble upon a magical place where all holes are tight with no one well endowed insight,
      Never has anyone ever fucked until Oceans form of sperm and whales

      I a sex monster be cum became
      Towards the end of my nationa level sex aid
      A loud Bang from my cock
      A devastating eruption shakes the land resulting in many orgasms
      Bang went my Cock
      Bangcock the fucked exclaimed

      All The people orgasmed with the bangs and henceforth with great admiration called their town Bangkok
      A great name and its people I said are tight
      Your country will be called Tight land and you the Tight

      All the tights BAnged my COck again
      All my sperm, streams of spunk the streets filled up with rivers of jizz
      The tight pussies, squirting in ecstasy gave birth to waves of pussy juice fluids kept swelling up
      jizz and juice all mixed up into a towering Jizzunami powered by Pussy juice flooding the streets filling all the tight holes waves mergung into oceans of cum
      Surfing on jizz, swimming in sperm the people cheer in Delight once again as they ask for more aid
      my penis still hard. My obligation unfalterring my cock void of foreskin my balls almost empty but but full of love I share my cock it is jumped upon used and abused used by all, young and old, animal pets bugs, and all ..even few dead people that were dug up by family members who had insisted I give them aid for after life after sex and I gladly put my dick in what was left off their rotting yet still tight but extra soft hole, Nine months later the countries population doubles and a new stringer generation of Tight people are born with small holes but massive always hard on cocks my miracles in Bangkok gave birth to fcuker to fill the countries tight holes
      The Wonders from my penis, was given to all

      My mission hole goal was whole

      with my now empty large lube of KY I was covered in pussy juice, ass sweat and my own sperm but I believed it was only sweat, by bellend sore from millions of tight holes I starting walking, leaning on my hard cock for support I stumble weakly journeying back home leaving a stringer tighter harder happier Tightland behind yet still I was not sexually satisfied although I was tired and alone I was however surrounded by onaholes at home.. for before my journey I had ordered every onahole available from the jungles of the Amazon, the cave of Ali Baba olus whatever the few local stores had

      And, I fucked them all, my balls now chapatis round and brown, dry and with holes. So I put my dick and balls into the holes

      My dick, once the inspiration for Godzilla now a Kentucky chicken bone
      i started using it to scrape penis skin from the floor
      I still had a hard on by this point but I was left with Mush for brain. My Organs have almost all failed to keep the blood flowing to my hard spot, Nothing much remains body is numb muscles week dry humping the floor is all I could achieve

      My bed I think , I go, I sleep.. but I slip and slide on all the jizz I’ve made. I fall face first into carpet mistaking it for a sticky grave fisting myself by mistake

      The impact forces a slither of vision out of my eye and a trickle of poop from my dick
      Hazed and dazed I spot fat lips with a smile and a slit
      Is it a dream, am I dead? No I realize then what it was
      It was
      The Virgo, still in its box it had fallen when I was wanking in the shower resting to stop under the bidet
      Destiny awaits, a new hole: hope regained
      Using my empty ball sack as a make-shift meat sleigh I slide

      No sound Body parts, brain activity, sight sound none of them work and slowly all organs start to fail and I slip into Beyond numbness
      In a last ditch attempt to survive I popped seeds of viagra grabbed chicken bone and unboxed my bride out everything dick and ballsfew finger tongue and all into her soft silicon tight hole
      A flash of neon light emanate from the only as her virginity is lost
      Cock and
      I was reborn
      Into something new

      I am not a fucker anymore
      I am gusher
      The milk fountain man
      The creator of silicon the father of PTE
      My balls are all seeing magiceyes my dick is diablo
      the big bang was me was now was Virgo losing her virginity
      she is all I need
      A real god like me doesn’t need worshipers, how insulting for you to even think I need your worship
      I have realized
      It’s not hard vs tight
      It’s the hard in the tight

      It’s me you and all penis operator all of us in the hole within Virgo noting else matters

      Its all that is,
      All that was
      All the holes poked
      And all that jizz
      Plus everything that will be

      That’s it

      Well maybe some lube
      or lotion

      at the very least
      A lil cream
      Spit makes my dick smell makes her hole moldy


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