Competition! Win a Virgin Bride… onahole!

Update: This competition has now ended. Congratulations to Forge!

That’s right, I’m givin’ away the bride – in a box.

A while back I bought one of Maccos Japan’s Virgin Bride onaholes with the intention of reviewing it, but recently the lads over at MotsuToys kindly sent me a bunch of products, so I wanna focus on those for now.

Competition time it is then!

– The prize – 

It’s a brand new Virgin Bride by Maccos Japan. A virgin Virgin Bride if you will. I’ve heard it’s on the softer side of things stimulation-wise, but user reviews floating around seem to be pretty great.

The main gimmick with this onahole is being able to break through a thin layer of material the first time you fuck it. Pretty neat. You could probably replace it with bubble gum for future deflowering if you want, I dunno.

– How to enter –

Easy! Just leave a comment below! Anything’s good, but *please make sure to fill in the email field* so I can contact the winner (your email won’t show up publicly). One entry per person, thanks!

Entries close by the end of November 30th. Any time zone, whatever. The winner will be chosen at random and notified by email. This competition is open to everyone worldwide. Packaging can be removed upon request.

Good luck!

109 thoughts on “Competition! Win a Virgin Bride… onahole!”

  1. Love the giveaways! it’d be cool if we could have an actual competition of some sort again tho. Unless I win the giveaway in which case it’s fine.

  2. Sounds like a really neat gimmick! If I could win it if only to simulate busting a virgin’s cherry in a time where that’s a rare, if ever likely at all, moment then that’d be great to try out. Either way, thank you for the opportunity.

  3. Haha definitely in time for the draw this time!

    Weird gimmick on this one, never been sure why anime ladies have a freshness seal


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