Review: Standing Ruri-nyan

Product: Standing Ruri-nyan
Manufacturer: XTC Japan
Measurements: length (vaginal tunnel): 11.5cm (anal tunnel): 12.5cm, weight – 2.4kg (5.3 lbs)
Retailers: MotsuToys* /*

– This product was provided by MotsuToys and for masturbation review purposes
– Retailers marked with * are affiliate links

Man, the sheer existence of Standing Ruri-nyan is already some pretty wild stuff. Not only is this one of the very few darker skinned hips from a Japanese manufacturer, but it’s based on a character from fuckin’ Pokémon of all things. POKÉMON. Do you know the absolute master balls of steel XTC Japan have on them?!

That’d probably be like… I dunno, Pipedream Extreme coming out with one of their ‘Fuck Me Silly: Mega Masturbator’ things themed around Minnie Mouse. Lawyers would come down on them harder than a facial on Jupiter.

I’d imagine a few onahole companies have probably attempted Pokémon parodies in the past, but XTC Japan are the first to not mysteriously vanish overnight.

Exclusive: First look at Switch Pro graphics, coming soon in 2018.

Now fair warning, my knowledge of Pokémon pretty much starts and ends with the pinball spin-offs and the launch week of Pokémon Go where a local park caused enough chaos for the developers to promptly delete its Pokéstop – BUT this hip focuses on the gym leader Nessa and two of her world-famous holes. Gotta fuck ’em all, yeah?

(If yours has more than that you may have a defective model).

Also Nessa’s name is Rurina in Japan or something, so I guess the product’s name makes a bit more sense in that regard. Not sure about the ‘standing’ part though… her legs are kinda gone.

– Unboxing / Presentation – 

I really love this box art, holy shit. Being exclusive to MotsuToys in Europe and in America means we get completely uncensored artwork too. You know what I love MORE though? The actual box itself. It’s bizarrely super high quality; real sturdy cardboard that has a nice smooth finish to it.

You could maybe prop a door open with it on a windy day and everyone would be incredibly impressed. Please look forward to my upcoming cardboard box review blog where I see how much cum they can endure before getting soggy.

The hip is firmly sealed in two chunky plastic shells to keep it from rolling around during shipping which is nice, but WOW was this thing sweaty as hell. The plastic wrap had a pretty nightmare-ish level of slimy residue.

As neat as the compact packaging is, it seems XTC Japan reeaaaaally should have given this more breathing room. I’d absolutely recommend washing (the onahole) before first use.

Oh yeah, no sample of lube included once again, RIP. I suppose if you’re desperate you could go in with the included rubber sweat slickin’ the way, but please do not.

Standing Ruri-nyan kinda fits the sweet point between functioning as a full-sized hip yet being easy enough to use as a standard handheld onahole.

It’s definitely packing some heft at roughly 2.5kg, but still completely manageable if – like me – you absolutely just cannot be stuffed doing anything other than bouncing it on your cock whilst awkwardly trying to unzip whatever niche bullshit you’ve just torrented from nhentai.

All these photos are directly outta the box for the first time, so some of those ‘been sitting in a sauna for 3 days’ wrinkles adorning the arse went away over time. You can tell this is XTC Japan’s first attempt at dying their material, but I think they’ve done a fairly decent job if you can look past some minor imperfections.

The design itself has some fantastic detail though, including those trademark pubic bumps and a navel which may have activated some horny neurons.

You really need two free hands to do photos like this justice, but whatever hey. “Check out this barely spread hole”, wow cool.

– Feeling –

Vagina: XTC Japan typically nail their tunnel design here and Standing Ruri-nyan is no exception. Slipping inside immediately locks your shaft into a choke point, delivering heavy jolts of stimulation with each thrust. It feels absolutely fucking incredible and really manages to give the illusion of a much larger hip smackin’ into your crotch.

The tunnel is tight yet extremely comfy. It’s not trying to achieve anything fancy – the walls are lined with pretty standard bumps which lead into increasingly narrow zones – but yeah. These guys excel at delivering a really pleasant wank with what looks like the most basic concept possible.

My first time using this onahole I couldn’t even bring myself to swap holes; the sensation was entirely overwhelming to the point where I was cumming with a clenched fist like Dr. Claw being jacked off by a go-go Gadget handjob.

Amazing shit. Feels like my cock’s melting inside this every time. My only issue is it being on the shorter side of things. Once you ram into the end there’s enough wiggle room and the padding gives some gentle resistance, but it sorta seems like they could have easily extended this tunnel a bit further.

Anal: Jesus christ, getting into the asshole itself is almost a logic puzzle mid-wank. It’s an EXTREMELY small entrance which can become damn near impossible to breach if you’ve already gotten your cock too slippery from all the lube and pre-cum. You either start and finish in this tunnel or potentially wrestle with your shaft for an extended intermission.

That said, XTC Japan have done a pretty good job making it feel completely different to the vagina. The walls are lined with thick rings and extra chunky nubs. It’s oddly not as tight as I would have expected (especially after the entry point damn near crushes your head into dust), but the change in stimulation is certainly welcome.

Lately I’ve found myself swapping over into here for the final few pumps before cumming, but it’s too repetitive to be the main focus. The tunnel itself is slightly longer though! Usually it’s the other way around.

XTC Japan also market this as a ‘360° design’ which confused me for a while, but it is a remarkably easy hip to spin around on your cock as you wank. Like even with the vagina doing an absolute death-grip, it’ll rotate without potentially breaking anything off your body. That’s good I guess.

Still got no bloody idea what the ‘360° design’ actually means though. MAYBE THE WHOLE SPINNY THING? The alternative is a red ring of death perhaps. Nobody wants that.

– Cleaning –

Likely compact enough to get crammed into your sink (otherwise you might need to sneak it into the shower or whatever) and flushing out the tunnels is pretty straight-forward stuff. Shouldn’t really give you any issues. The material dries quick.

Promo shots to save the day.

– Summary –

Standing Ruri-nyan’s dark-skinned design (a rarity in the onahole industry) and the fact it may one day become a cum-filled collector’s item for the most hardcore Pokémon fans are perhaps its initial selling points, but the hip itself features an INCREDIBLY nice vagina to plow into.

XTC Japan haven’t even really done anything particually special (even MotsuToys’ own product description freely admits this) but fuck me does it feel fantastic. An intensely tight grip with some heavy notches, yet still fairly easy going. Extremely addictive stuff.

However as with a lot of smaller hips which toss in both holes, the anal tunnel isn’t nearly as exciting. Less stimulation and variety, but it can make for a decent change of pace mid-wank.

… If you can even get inside the ass, because the entrance is absurdly tiny.

Plus those plastic shells? Rad as fuck bro. I figured I could make a COOL ICE VAGINA with ’em to combat the harsh Australian summer.

So I filled both halves with water (just like Nessa would) and bunged ’em in the freezer.

Had to remove all the food in the freezer to fit them in, but who cares. No time for that. Get those frozen peas outta my fuckin’ sight.

I returned that night and gave ’em the ol’ knock test. They felt solid enough! The next step was going to involve joining both of them together, then eventually I dunno… chiselling a hole in it somewhere?

But first I needed to get them out of their plastic constraints. Do you know what’s not great in a freezer? Brittle plastic fuckin’ trays. The butt side immediately broke out and flooded the kitchen floor. Almost fried a power strip. Turns out it hadn’t fully frozen, WHO KNEW?

So I tried the other side and that also went very well:


Standing Ruri-nyan

+ The vagina feels incredible – enough so that it almost makes the hip feel larger than it actually is
+ Easy to spin it around and change positions
+ You could sell the box on eBay in 20 years for a cool billion

– The arse is okay, but its entrance is just TOO small and narrow. Like trying to play golf with a basketball or somethin’.
– Both tunnels in general are a bit short
– Product was extremely sweaty and oily feeling out of the box, causing the skin to look pretty wrinkled in spots. YMMV

Hey, thanks for reading! Feel free to follow me on Twitter for more onahole stuff. Or if you’re feeling extra generous, please consider donating to my PayPal. I’d greatly appreciate it. Your support keeps my penis alive (inside new and interesting onaholes!)

This review product was provided by MotsuToys and Thanks again!

16 thoughts on “Review: Standing Ruri-nyan”

  1. Give that Elsa hole a run for its money and get some real frussy 😛 You probably gotta freeze it for a week for it to get fully solid lol

  2. Damn that one looks pretty awesome. Plus when you showed it with your fingers in both holes, I was like its bowling time, and you didnt disappoint lol. Man I am kinda tempted to pick this one up, but I got to run it past my wallet…..fuck no…ah come on wallet you know I need this….

  3. How would you compare it to the Ereshkigal Cherry? I went with the Cherry for the Black Friday sale, but just like you, I’ve been desperate for a dark skinned onahole for a good while. Although I don’t think I may have room for a second hip.

    • Coming from the Cherry may feel a tad disappointing. The sheer difference in their weight is really noticeable, and the anal tunnel on this doesn’t even come close. Honestly probably not enough difference (stimulation wise) to pick up both.

      Dark skinned sequel to Ereshkigal Cherry pls.

  4. If motsutoys is kinda enough to open up one of these and sent me just the plastic inserts, I will freeze them proper and then do something with them. No clue what yet though. But infernalmonkey can testify to my degeneracy.

    Also, happy new year Infernal. Hope you are getting used to your new daily commute and settling down with the new job. Best of luck man.


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