To celebrate the return of Anime Expo – LA’s favourite gassy sweat-fest gathering – for the first time since that whole pandemic thing kicked off eighty years ago, otonaJP is running a huge storewide sale.
News and features
MotsuToys launch new American retail site
Managing to obtain quite possibly the best domain name for an onahole shop ever, MotsuToys have just launched Seriously, how did nobody have that already? But yeah, this site is their new American branch.
The end of ToyDemon’s affiliate program and the future of this blog (also hello!)
Hey guys, happy uuuuhh… MAY?! Where did the start of this entire year go already, bloody hell. I hope you’ve all had a good quarter of 2022 though, even if it still feels like an eternal extension of 2020. :’)
Ah, new sex doll comes equipped with ‘the perfect cock’
Penis fans rise up, as MotsuToys’ new joint effort with Seiraku Toys features one of the most impressive members to ever grace a sex doll.
Otona-Sekai has shut down
In what’s probably the least surprising update to anyone even remotely familiar with the long-fumbling Japanese retailer, Otona-Sekai is no more.
KanojoToys and otonaJP Black Friday sales
Apologies for the VARIOUS Black Friday posts instead of condensing them into one single Game Boy Pocket-sized adventure, but they’ve kinda been more spread out this year! Japanese retailers KanojoToys and otonaJP have now kicked off their respective deals though.