Product: Puru Puru Brain Fucker Mini (プルプルぶれいんふぁっかー mini)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Measurements: length – 11cm, weight – 370g
Retailers: otonaJP / Kimochii Shop / Kanojo Toys*
Review: Drift Spiral 471
Product: Drift Spiral 471 (ドリフトスパイラル471)
Manufacturer: Toy’s Heart
Measurements: length – 15.5cm, weight – 471g
Retailers: Kimochii Shop / otonaJP* / J-List* / Kanojo Toys* / ToyDemon*
Apoligies for the lack of content recently
Hey guys, it’s been exactly FOUR BILLION YEARS since the last review. Sorry! Didn’t really intend for a bottle of anime girl fart spray to be the blog’s entire output for about a month and a half, but that’s how the wind blows I guess.
Review: The Scent of a School Girl’s Fart
Product: The Scent of a School Girl’s Fart (女子校生のおならの匂い)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Retailers: otonaJP* / KimochiiShop / Kanojo Toys* / J-List*
Review: Anal Kaikin!! Gal Bitch
Product: Anal Kaikin!! Gal Bitch (アナル解禁!!ギャルビッチ)
Manufacturer: A-One
Measurements: length – 14.5cm, weight – 260g
Retailers: Kimochii Shop / otonaJP* / Kanojo Toys* / ToyDemon*
Review: Ju-C 7 Tight Embrace
Product: Ju-C 7 Tight Embrace (Ju-C[ジューシー]7)
Manufacturer: G Project
Measurements: length – 16cm, weight – 285g
Retailers: MotsuToys* / Kimochii Shop / otonaJP / ToyDemon* / Kanojo Toys*