No penis? No problem. In what they claim as an industry-first move (and I’m sure they’re right) the team over at Ligre Japan have come up with “an onahole only for women’s clitoris”. And yup, it certainly kinda sorta looks like a typical onahole.
Review: Maga Kore Muki Yawa Iron Girl
Product: Maga Kore Muki Yawa Iron Girl (マガこれおりじん ムキやわ♥あいあんがーる)
Manufacturer: KM Produce / Maga Kore
Measurements: length – 17cm, weight – 600g
Retailers: otonaJP* / ToyDemon / KanojoToys*
MotsuToys launch new American retail site
Managing to obtain quite possibly the best domain name for an onahole shop ever, MotsuToys have just launched Seriously, how did nobody have that already? But yeah, this site is their new American branch.
Review: Translucent Ecstasy Mika
Product: Translucent Ecstasy Mika (透明快感 みいか)
Manufacturer: Kiss-me-Love
Measurements: length – 13cm, weight – 150g
Retailers: otonaJP* / Kanojo Toys* / KimochiiShop
20% off storewide at otonaJP and KanojoToys
Thought you could escape the endless ‘ye olde rubberized anime vagina websites are having a sale’ posts on the front page until at least next year? Haha no, not quite!
Review: Tennis Girl
Product: Tennis Girl
Manufacturer: XTC Japan
Measurements: length – 15cm, weight – 455g
Retailers: MotsuToys* (EU) /* (US)
Review: Yandere (XTC Japan)
Product: Yandere
Manufacturer: XTC Japan
Measurements: length – 15cm, weight – 695g
Retailers: MotsuToys* (EU) /* (US)
ToyDemon’s (early) Black Friday sale now on
Well technically probably a few hours from when this is posted, but hey.