Product: Sweaty Girl Shop Assistant in Black Tights
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Retailers: Possibly discontinued, RIP
Smell fetish reviews
Review: Young Office Lady Morning Hangover Breath
Product: Young Office Lady Morning Hangover Breath
Manufacturer: 072Labo
Retailers: KanojoToys*
Review: Popular Cheerleader Sweaty Armpits Smell
Product: Popular Cheerleader Sweaty Armpits Smell
Manufacturer: 072Labo
Retailers: KanojoToys*
Review: JK Chan – Joshi Kosei School Girl Scent
Product: JK Chan – Joshi Kosei School Girl Scent (JKちゃんの愛液の匂い)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Retailers: otonaJP* / KimochiiShop / KanojoToys* / J-List*
Review: Women’s Armpits Smell
Product: Women’s Armpits Smell (お姉さんの脇の匂い)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Retailers: otonaJP* / KimochiiShop / Kanojo Toys* / J-List*
Review: The Scent of a School Girl’s Fart
Product: The Scent of a School Girl’s Fart (女子校生のおならの匂い)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Retailers: otonaJP* / KimochiiShop / Kanojo Toys* / J-List*
Review: The Smell of a Girl’s School Swimsuit
Product: The Smell of a Girl’s School Swimsuit (女子校生のマスクの匂い)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Retailers: otonaJP / KimochiiShop / J-List*
Review: The Scent of a Mask Worn By a Young School Girl
Product: The Scent of a Mask worn by a young School Girl (女子校生のマスクの匂い)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Retailers: otonaJP* / KimochiiShop / Kanojo Toys*
Review: The Scent of a School Girl’s Sweaty Blouse
Product: The Scent of a School Girl’s Sweaty Blouse (女子校生の汗で濡れ透けブラウスの匂い)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Retailers: otonaJP* / Kanojo Toys*