Product: The Smell of a School Girl’s Freshly Taken Off Underwear (女子校生の脱ぎたてパンツの匂い)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Retailers: otonaJP / J-List* / Kanojo Toys*
Review: Schoolgirl Armpit Smell
Product: Schoolgirl Armpit Smell (女子校生のワキガの匂い)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Retailers: otonaJP / Kanojo Toys* / AkibaFarm / J-List*
Review: The Smell of Girls Boiled Boots
Product: The Smell of Girls Boiled Boots (女の子の蒸れたブーツの匂い)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Retailers: Kanojo Toys* / otonaJP*
Review: Succubus Maid Wearing Glasses
Product: Succubus Maid Wearing Glasses (サキュバス眼鏡メイドの肉厚ワレメ)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Measurements: length – 18cm, weight – 700g
Retailers: otonaJP* / Kanojo Toys*
Review: Dark Elf To Isekai Chito Seikatsu
Product: Dark Elf To Isekai Chito Seikatsu (ダークエルフと異世界チート性活)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Measurements: length – 16.5cm, weight – 370g
Retailers: Kanojo Toys* / J-List*
Review: The Sexy Smell of Vagina During Sex
Product: The Sexy Smell of Vagina During Sex (セックス中に漂ういやらしいアソコの匂い)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Retailers: otonaJP / J-List* / AkibaFarm / Kanojo Toys*
Competition! Win an Insert Cushion Pillow
Update: This competition has now ended. Congratulations to ‘Buttholesurfer‘! That’s quite a name. Thanks to everyone who entered – more competitions soon!
Review: Doki Doki! Harmony
Product: Doki Doki! Harmony (ドキドキ?兜合わせ)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Measurements: length – 17cm, weight – 460g
Retailers: otonaJP / Kanojo Toys* / Otona-Sekai
Review: The Office Lady’s Stuffy High-heeled Smell
Product: The Office Lady’s Stuffy High-heeled Smell (OLのハイヒールの匂い)
Manufacturer: Tamatoys
Retailers: Otona-Sekai / otonaJP / Kanojo Toys*
Competition! Win a Tamatoys prize pack!
Update: This competition has now closed, congratulations to Anonymous (comment #38)! Thanks, everyone! Please stay tuned for more competitions soon.